Stanford GSB Professor Jeff Pfeffer

Date and Time
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
5:30pm— 7:00pm
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Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein in Wells Fargo Center


Wharton Charlotte is invited to join Stanford GSB Carolinas Alumni Chapter to hear from Professor Jeff Pfeffer, Thomas D Dee II Professor of Management, who will appear LIVE from Palo Alto via full duplex video (i.e., full live discussion and Q&A during the event).

Professor Pfeffer is the author of Management BS: Fixing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a Timex and the recently-published Dying for a Paycheck.  

The event will be held at the Uptown Charlotte offices of Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein in Wells Fargo Center. Conversation and networking over wine, other beverages and appetizers will begin at 5:30 pm and the program will begin promptly at 6pm. The formal program will end at 7 pm and additional interaction among attendees is encouraged after Professor Pfeffer’s discussion.

Professor Pfeffer is an engaging speaker who has unique perspectives on management and leadership, and the event promises to be both enlightening and fun.

Joseph Wharton Members please RSVP below. All others please visit https://alumni-gsb.stanford. edu/get/page/events/details? event_id=26486

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Joseph Wharton Member
Joseph Wharton Member
One ticket per member. Additional guests are $15.
Map & Directions

Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein in Wells Fargo Center

by public transit by car by bike Walking